About us

Letsplay is Mathias Jensen and Søren Maribo

We are both trained PE teachers with a long teaching career. It was back in 1996 after our final athletics exam at our teacher training college that we decided to create the groundwork for Letsplay. We were interested in the development of games and in how to make children actively involved in the formation and improvement of the sports and games that they are part of. That is what is behind our first game ‘Balleball’, which today has been renamed Bumball since it is played in many parts of the world other than Denmark.

Our passion and fascination with the development of games started at that time, and since then our business, Letsplay, has been creating physical play and games for development and learning.

It is our desire to put smiles on the faces of children and adults and promote active communities between people

Søren Maribo

Ejer af Letsplay Idrætsuddannet på institut for idræt i København Lærer & proceskonsulent Kreativ produktudvikler

Mathias Jensen

Ejer af Letsplay Idrætsuddannet på institut for idræt i København Lærer & proceskonsulent Kreativ produktudvikler


Play and motion is important for children and adults alike. We develop our social intelligence through the relationships we form in the community of play. Through games and play, we train our communicative skills and our problem-solving abilities. There is a clear correlation between body and learning – and between play and our social education. When we develop new forms of play, we practise discipline, self-control and our ability to be flexible and think creatively.

Based on this approach to play, we have developed two motion games: Bumball and MosaIQ Zoo.
We created Bumball in 1999 and the game is now played in 20 countries. It is used mainly by schools, clubs and associations, but has also proved useful for many companies as a tool for team building or as an icebreaker.
MosaIQ Zoo has just been launched. It is a game aimed at kindergartens and pre-schools. The game is simple and activates many participants at the same time. In addition, it stimulates important learning processes.

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