
Phillippe Blanchard

“This new game puts everyone on the same level and it does create a good and sporty atmosphere, even amongst sport-reluctant people. Young and old, overweighted and sporty, everyone can mix, practice and have fun together. Those are the values I am committed to”.

Director, Information Management Department. International Olympic Committee


I have used the game in many different contexts: with athletic students and the Sports Academy, my own stag party, as a course at the special sports course at the Skovtofte Pedagogue Seminarium, with my elite youth football team in Lyngby as well as leadership and team development courses. One of the great qualities of the game is that is ‘resets’ the prerequisites of the participants and therefore everybody feels included and that it will be a success. I have great experiences with Bumball, which above all is a fun game and we must never forget to play games….

Kasper Hjulmand, coach of the Danish National Team in Soccer


At ACC, we bring young people together to; for example, discuss the charter for human rights, Europe’s constitution, expansion of EU, et cetera. Seen in such contexts, it is important from the beginning to create a group identity and to break down feelings of insecurity. I have throughout the years, as leader of ACC, used Bumball as a tool to help this process along the way. Bumball does not need lengthy or complicated introductions. This also makes the game a success in an international context. No long and linguistically challenging introductions are needed and therefore no language barriers separating the players.

When the game starts, it is body language and and a sense of teamwork that counts – quite independently from the fact that players speak different languages. After all, it is good to move around and want to be together. We use Bumball as an icebreaker and our participants want to play again and again.

John Petersen

John Petersen

Chairman and executive leader of the ACC (Association for Community Colleges)


We have been regularly surprised about the departure from traditional gender roles in sport that the game has empowered. An example is how a girl group became substantially more aggressive and physical in the heat of the moment, whilst more typically competitive boy groups took on the role of trying to cool everybody down. It is our experience that pupils enjoy and need this form of direct body contact. It is a part of the process of getting to know themselves, as well as the others. And as has been described here, Bumball also gives opportunities to show sides of yourself that perhaps exceed your own and others current expectations, but never the less is natural and instructive.

Marianne Therkelsen & Kasper H Mortensen

Sports Teachers

Bumball and overweight

Bumball is fantastic for groups with overweight children. After all, the game is a new one for the children, which can remove some of the barriers that children have built up, regarding ordinary sports. Furthermore, the rules of the game are very flexible, which gives instructors great possibilities to adapt the activities to a traditionally challenged group, such as overweight youngsters. The game is also really fun and it is the alpha and omega of gymnastic schemes for this type of group.

Jens Sune Jakobsen

Project Leader of ‘PLAY – Campaign against Overweight amongst Children

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