
letsplay events

If you need a joint experience, as well as a moving and exciting day together, we at Letsplay are highly experienced in facilitating games, play and movement for events. In cooperation with you we can tailor activities, games and play that will be just right for your day and your participants. Depending on the number of people taking part, we will be there in numbers from one to four play consultants with equipment and will stage and facilitate some great hours of fun for you

we can offer, among other things


The game where you are only allowed to catch the ball with your behind or your chest. The game is developed by Letsplay, and you will be introduced to fun exercises and games before we start off the great tournament


In teams of 4-8 persons your job is to find runaway animals. In competition with the other teams you have to solve different tasks along the way which are adapted to the group that you are in


The South-American answer to dart – Sapo is the perfect game for a fun evening with friends, family or colleagues. At a distance of 9 feet metal discs are thrown at the mouth of the ugly frog and the holes in the bog surrounding it. It is easy to play and everyone can take part


We do traditional games, pushing and pull games, games of tag, games where you must use both your body and your head, games where we compete against each other, and games where we focus on promoting feelings of community between people


The great outdoor game where you and your team must get through a track full of movement tasks and mental gymnastics. Here the art of cooperation is rewarded


In Letsplay we have a long experience in play, movement and learning. We offer courses in Bumball, MosaIQ Move and MosaIQ Zoo, all games developed by Letsplay. In addition we can facilitate courses in game development and Nordic game culture. We have held courses in Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Greece and USA.

vi kan blandt andet tilbyde


Spillet hvor du kun må gribe bolden med bagdelen eller brystet. Spillet er udviklet af Letsplay, og I vil blive præsenteret for sjove øvelser og lege inden vi sætter den store turnering i gang.


MosaIQ Zoo

I hold a 4-8 personer, skal I ud og finde bortløbne dyr, i konkurrence med de andre hold, skal I undervejs løse forskellige opgaver, der er tilpasset den gruppe som I udgør.

MosaIQ Zoo


Sydamerikas svar på Dart – Sapo er det perfekte spil til nogle sjove timer med venner, familien eller kollegaer. Fra 9 fods afstand kastes metalringe efter munden på den hæslige frø og hullerne i mosen omkring den. Det er nemt at gå til og alle kan være med.



Vi laver gamle lege, skubbe og møflelege, fange og tagfatlege, lege hvor du både skal bruge kroppen og hovedet, lege hvor vi konkurrere med hinanden og lege hvor vi har fokus på at fremme fællesskaber mellem mennesker.



Den store udendørs leg, hvor I i hold skal gennem en bane fyldt med bevægelses opgaver og hjernegymnastik. Her belønnes samarbejdets kunst?






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